Sunday, October 30, 2011

Decoding Lib Double-Talk on Race

They Say: "Republicans are nothing more than racists."

They Mean: "We can't run on issues or we lose. Hurling accusations is the only way we have to defeat them. Besides, maybe it will distract from our own racism."

They Say: "Republicans are your enemy. They want to see you swinging from trees."

They Mean: "PLEASE don't vote for them! If we don't carry your guaranteed vote in our pocket we lose!"

They Say: "Black conservatives are self-loathing Uncle Toms."

They Mean: "Uh-oh. If black Americans start listening to black conservatives we're screwed."

They Say: "Herman Cain is not an authentic black man."

They Mean: "OMG HERMAN CAIN IS SO AUTHENTIC HE MAKES OBAMA LOOK LIKE A SALTINE! Quick, let's do all we can to discredit him!"

They Say: "Republicans talk down to black people."

They Mean: "That's our job, dammit."

They Say: "Tea Party Republicans are only pretending to like Herman Cain so they can hide their racism and convince you to vote for him while he entertains them with minstrelsy."

They Mean: "Hey, they're stealing from our playbook! We already tried that with Obama!"

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