The Liberal Position on Cain: "If you support Cain, you're a racist, because you don't support Obama. You want to replace Obama with another black man, a black man who dances your dance and says what you want to hear, so therefore you prefer him to a black man who doesn't dance your dance or say what you want to hear. And that's racist."
Could this be a better example of liberal projection? The reason they support Obama is apparently the reason we're supporting Cain. After all, does anyone think liberals would support Obama if he were exactly the same kind of man and the same kind of president, but had run as a Republican?
We care about issues. They care about race. They project, therefore, their own thought process onto us. We couldn't possibly be supporting Cain because of his stance on the issues. It must be race. Except we're racists. So therefore we support Cain because we're hiding our own racism and we enjoy his "mistrelsy". What?
So, let's get to the heart of the matter. Obama (who is half white) is an authentic black man because...he...stands for black issues? Like...universal healthcare? Big government? Socialism? High taxes and increased gov't spending? Yeah, those sound like issues near and dear to the hearts of black Americans. Of course, Obama also responds with great understanding when addressed with concerns about his lack of attention to America's black population, as follows:
“I expect all of you to march with me and press on. Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. We are going to press on. We’ve got work to do, CBC.”Yeah...real concern for the best interest of black Americans there. Don't focus on how things are getting worse for you, just support me.
Just how is Barack Obama an "authentic" black man? Oh, that's right, because he's a Democrat, and everyone knows the Democrats have always been the champions of equal rights for black Americans.

So Obama is "authentic" because he...dances the Democrats' dance and says what they want to hear.
Herman Cain, however, is not authentic. Because...he's successful, self-made and doesn't sit around blaming "The White Man" for keeping him down. In fact he refused to let himself be kept down. He did things black people were told they couldn't do, succeeding in mathematics and business despite being told he shouldn't bother. He made something of himself with no help from "whitey", and certainly no help from Democrats, who would have offered him social assistance in order to keep him poor and dependant on them.
In other words, Cain is living the dream Martin Luther King fought for. And that...somehow makes him not authentic.
Oh, wait, actually it's because he is running as a Republican and supports the Tea Party. We all know the Tea Party is racist. They can't stand the thought of a black man in the Oval Office, which is why they're...totally supporting the idea of a black man in the Oval Office. It's just a black man who agrees with their positions on lower taxes, smaller government, job growth, etc. Okay, that settles it. They must be racists.
It is time for Black America to wake up. They have been handing their votes to Democrats for decades now and what has it gotten them? Sweet f--k all, that's what. "But they got a black President!" Yes, a black president who couldn't care less that while unemployment has risen for everyone across the country, it's near double for blacks what it is for whites. A black president whose response to his own poor performance in actually helping the community he claims to care so much about is to literally tell them to "stop grumbling." A black president who routinely rolls over and does the bidding of the white men who pull his strings; name a single issue Obama appears passionate about that isn't also a long-time Democratic "progressive" talking point?
Black Americans, listen. Obama may share your skin color but in what other way has he earned your vote? Name a single thing Obama has done that helped you? Has your life improved under his leadership at all? Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Are you worse off?
Herman Cain also shares your skin color, and he wants to help. Unlike Obama, whom the Democrats pushed on us transparently so they could cry "racist" against any nay-sayers, Herman Cain has beat the odds to get where he is and has had no help from the establishment on either side. He is in the race because he cares about America, and all her people, of all colors. And it's a message that is resonating. Maybe it wouldn't have if Cain had run in 2000, or even 2008. But now people are understanding; we can't just keep putting our support behind the same old "electable" candidates just because the establishment SAYS they're electable. Cain is a true grassroots presidential contender who can, and will if he's allowed, make a real difference. The fact that he also shares your skin color can be thought of as a bonus if you want to think of it that way, but in a much more important way, Cain has already earned your vote in a way that Obama simply never will.
And please, for the love of all that's holy, stop worrying about feeling like an Uncle Tom just for voting for a Republican. First of all, this Republican is one of you in every way he can be. Second, the only reason any of you feel this way is that the mainstream media, Democrats all, have told you that you should. In no way is this true. It's far more "Uncle Tom-ish" to keep voting for Democrats year after year because your parents did and you keep being told that's what you should do--by WHITE Democrats. I know, I'm white, too. The difference is, I'm not suggesting you should vote for Cain, or anyone, because they're black. I'm saying vote for Cain because he stands for your issues and will actually help you. Just that now the only reservation you would have had (should he be nominated) is gone; you won't be voting against the black man. You'll simply be picking the better of two.
Realize what more black Americans are realizing all the time; the Democrats don't give two sh-ts about you and have done nothing to help you. All they care about is your vote, which they feel they own. They are the modern day plantation owners. It's time to emancipate yourselves from their condescending rhetoric.
Raise Cain. He's the authentic black man, and more importantly, the authentic American.
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