Yesterday I wrote an entire post about my support of Herman Cain and the only time I mentioned race (other than to tell potential race-baiters that my use of the term "spades" as in "he has it in spades" was not a racial joke and not to make it into one) was to say that the Democrats wouldn't forego the race-baiting in the 2012 campaign even if Cain were to be the nominee, because they feel they own the black vote.
If anything, the fact that I wrote a pretty long piece about my support for a black man and never mentioned his race as a reason to support him or not support him should show where my head is where race is concerned; it's just not a factor. I'd be an idiot to think it wouldn't be brought up by the mainstream media during the campaign (it already has) but it doesn't affect who I support one iota.
But to Democrats it's a trump card; sorry, it's THE trump card. Why are critics of Obama called racists? It's not because they are, but rather it's because the Democrats are obsessed with race, and for them, all that mattered about Obama was that he was a leftist, and he was black. For a true leftist, it's ideology first, race second, sex or sexuality third, and everything else hardly even matters. Why else would they run a man with literally nothing remotely presidential or leadership-ready on his resume?
I've written many times about how I feel that true racism today is mostly on the left, so when I hear a right-winger suggest that we wouldn't get behind Herman Cain if we were really racists, I wonder why they don't address the reasons why the party of true widespread racism DID get behind Obama. But it hit me as I was thinking about it that while today's left is just as racist as it's ever been, it's a different kind of racism. Rather than the kind that lynches them or burns crosses on their yards, it's the kind that says people of color should all think, act, talk, dress and vote alike, or that black people can't succeed without white man's help, or that black people who are able to speak eloquently and have good hygene are somehow exceptional (as if most black people are not those things), or that any person of color who would ever consider voting Republican is a traitor to his or her race, because Democrats are supposed to own their vote.
All of the above are truly racist positions, and they define leftist views on race to a T. But they aren't about hating black people, per se. Instead they are about considering people of color to be a sub-class of human who have their uses, but need to be kept in their proper place.
So why would such a group willingly follow a black man? Simple; they're NOT following him, nor is he acting like a leader. He also isn't acting in the best interests of black Americans. Everything Obama's done since taking office is basically "Force legislation through Congress that the left has been trying to enact for decades now, while totally ignoring the black community he claims to care so much about." Obama's policies aren't about advancing black America. They're about advancing LEFTIST America. Socialist America. He pays lip service to the idea of supporting the cause of black Americans, but nothing he's done since taking office suggests he really cares about it. Poverty, single parenthood, wellfare, food stamp use, etc., all have risen among black Americans under Obama's watch. And it's not just "racist" right-wingers who've noticed; Maxine Waters herself, and many of the rest of the Congressional Black Caucus, took Obama to task over his total shafting of black Americans.
Now, I'm not saying Obama SHOULD focus on just black Americans. He's president of the country, not president of its black population. I mean, it's not that he doesn't care about black America; he doesn't care about America as a whole. But this proves that Obama was not campaigned or elected by people who give a rodent's hirsute hindquarters about black Americans or their plight. Obama was not elected because the Democrats want to advance people of color in America. He was elected because the left can now do what it's always wanted to do, and claim that any opposition to it is due to racism.
Which is exactly what they're doing.
In effect, this makes Obama the ultimate Uncle Tom; he's sold out his people for the leftist cause. He's allowed himself to be the black face the left puts on all its actions so that it can keep playing the race card every time they face reprisal. He's joined those who are doing all they can to keep black people in their place, and if he ever starts actually thinking for himself (that is, coming up with a thought or plan that wasn't straight out of the leftist playbook), the left will turn on him in a hurry. Heck, they've already done that every time he was forced to concede to the Republicans on any issue. Not only that, but Obama got where he is entirely because of white people. I've said before that establishment Democrats are just as white as establishment Republicans, and have actually done less to show they care about black Americans.
Leftists cannot fathom that right-wingers love Herman Cain because we feel like he's one of us, or agree with his stance on the issues, or think he's got some good ideas to get this country back on track. They can't fathom that because that's not how they think. They look at Herman Cain and they see A BLACK MAN. A black man who IS A REPUBLICAN! And then they lose their head. Policies? Positions? Ideas? Motivations? These do not matter. And it gets worse. Cain is a self-made black man who took responsibility, worked hard and made something of himself, never demanding a hand-out from white America or whining about how his personal journey was harder than it should have been because of his color. Clearly, this man does not know his place. And that terrifies the left.
Because we're supposed to be racists, a meme the left will flog until the end of days, leftists struggle to come up with a reason we love Herman Cain that makes sense alongside the racist meme. But it DOESN'T make any sense; supposedly we love Cain because we're trying to hide our racism. Projection?
I'm afraid it can't work that way. The left hasn't claimed that we're the kind of racists they are, allowing that black people have their uses as long as they know their place. They started off claiming we HATE black people and that the only reason we oppose anything Obama does is that we can't handle the idea of a black president. You can't claim on the one hand that we hate black people and then also claim that we're getting behind a black man now so that we can hide the fact that we hate him. In what universe does that make sense?
If we really were the kind of people the mainstream media would have you believe we are, we'd laugh at Cain's attempt to ingratiate himself with us, mock him and then throw our support behind the KKK.
If we were the kind of people the left truly are, then we would politely scoff at his efforts to become president, pat him on the head and advise him it would be in his best interests to keep voting for us despite how little heed we pay anything he says. Just like the Democrats did with every black presidential candidate they've ever had who threatened to be even slightly more than a puppet for the hardline left.
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