Anyone who hears this story will find out that the president wasn't just kidding. He actually does believe his own bullshit.
Ever see a pre-schooler at a T-ball hit three strikes but walk from the plate smiling because he just hit the ball three times? You know, the ball that's sitting there right in front of him, on a poll, not moving? Well, that's Obama after last Wednesday's debate.
Apparently he believed all he had to do was show up, and he'd win. Worse yet, he still believed that after he strode from the podium, not seeing the fresh, steaming helping of his own ass that Romney had just handed him.
I can just hear it now "Oh, yeah, I'm the man. All I have to do is be here, and I've wrapped up this whole election. I rule. I RULE! Another four years! Heck, maybe during my fifth year I can get someone to lobby to overturn the 22nd amendment. And because I want it, I know it will happen. I'm the king, baby. Hail to the king."
This pic is funny, but apparently not accurate. It would be, if Obama lived in the same reality that everyone else does.
Even Obama's staunchest supporters immediately declared that the debate was a drubbing. Mitt Romney ate Obama's lunch, and watching guys like Chris Matthews or Andrew Sullivan melt down over it has been hilarious. Remember how Obama was "sort of God", or that he gave Chris Matthews a "thrill up his leg", so much so that he "forgot [Obama] was black"?
That's the effect you get when Obama is placed in a setting where he can hold court; where no one can challenge what he says, and when everything he wants to say is on a teleprompter. I also think it's funny that some of his supporters are now arguing that teleprompters should be allowed during debates. I wish I was making that up, but I'm not. This is how mindless liberals are.
For the last four years, Obama has enjoyed as president the same environment he has enjoyed his whole life; the environment where he will always be reassured that he's the smartest person in the room. Everything is handed to him; he got every "job" he's held because of how he was able to cultivate this image of a smart young black man. In interviews, no one asks him tough questions, and in the one interview he granted FOX news, he was visibly irritated that he wasn't allowed to just quote platitudes and get off lightly. That's what he was used to, and that's what he expected.
Notice that the more openly controversial his decisions became, the more he held "press conferences" where he refused to take questions, even from the liberal media? Obama can't handle being challenged.
He also carries with him the innate belief that he'll always win because he is who he is. This was clear to those non-racists who saw past his skin-color from the get-go, but now it's becoming clear to all Americans.
I'm gonna close with some advice for the brilliant Paul Ryan (who probably doesn't need it): don't believe the anecdotes that tomorrow night will be a walk in the park for you. Don't believe that all you have to do is show up to win. Yes, Joe Biden is an idiot, but he's a folksy idiot who can lie on his feet while smiling. Call him out, and call out the media for allowing him to get away with it for four years. Bring your A-game, because we know the best game Biden's got is a B minus. But don't feel like you can bring your C-game and win, like Obama clearly thought was the case.
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