“Racism: The assumption that psychocultural traits and capacities are determined by biological race and that races differ decisively from one another which is usually coupled with a belief in the inherent superiority of a particular race and its right to domination over others.”
Or in other words, being more concerned with the color of one's skin, or one's original nationality, than what they do or say.
Often times, racism expresses itself negatively. As in the example above, it often follows that a believe that races differ from each other can also be coupled with a belief in genetic superiority. But it doesn't have to.
Quite often in western society, the open racism we see exemplifies the first part of that definition but leads into something quite different from a need to dominate that race. Instead it leads to a kind of pity for, and infantilization of, that other race.
When the Left uses the term "racist", they conjure in their heads a kind of person who hardly exists anymore except in movies and on TV; a white male (for some reason, they're always male) who has only white friends, lives in an all-white neighborhood, and resents any and all times they're forced to interact with people of other races. This person, much like Archie Bunker, likely believes all stereotypes about black people (or anyone of another race) that he's ever heard, and will call the police if he sees a black man walking down his street, because as far as he's concerned, that person can't be up to anything good. He'll naturally assume that any latino is a gang member, any oriental person can't drive but knows his computer inside and out, Italians don't bath, etc. This guy, when he goes into a 7/11 and sees a guy behind the counter who's of a different race, immediately winces and thinks "of course".
The thing is, the image they have of this guy is not only not very prevelant anymore (do YOU know anyone like this?), but other ideas they have about him are wrong. The belief, for example, that such a person would, and could, only vote Republican. People caught expressing views like those above are almost unfailingly Democrats. See Joe Biden and his comment about not being able to go into a Dunkin' Donuts without a slight Indian accent, or Bill Maher suggesting that a "real" black president would solve the BP oil spill problem by threatening BP executives with a gun. Rush Limbaugh, who is regularly called a racist by leftists who refuse to listen to him, has never said anything like that.
Another problem is one of extrapolation; leftists see all-white neighborhoods and immediately decide they exist because of racism. And because these all-white neighborhoods have nice houses and cars in them, the people living there must be rich, and we all know Republicans are all for the rich, so therefore these racist people must also be Republicans, therefore all Republicans are racist.
Not only is the conclusion ridiculous, the whole premise is reliant on supposition that may or may not be true. First, you don't know that the neighborhood is all white because of racism. That's just an assumption. It may be all white simply because the area has a low black population. This isn't an unreasonable assumption. Black people make up about 12% of the population of the USA. The fact that there are still areas where a majority, or even totality, of the residents are white proves nothing about endemic racism. It says far more about a person who would make that assumption.
It also could be an all- or mostly-white neighborhood thanks to another kind of racism; one that nobody in that community can help. But I'll get to that later.
Then there's the assumption that just because everybody in that neighborhood is rich, they all vote Republican. Where does this assumption that rich people vote Republican come from? Last I checked, Warren Buffett was a Democrat, as are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Cuban, George Soros, and a number of others. Not to mention that the entertainment and music industries, and most news organizations (comprised of mostly millionaires and billionaires) unfailingly support the Democrats and describe themselves as liberals. If you don't believe me, prove me wrong. Find an affluent white neighborhood and knock on each door, pretending you're a surveyor and asking only what party they affiliate with. I can guarantee you'll find that more than a few are Democrats, and probably that in some areas like this (especially in blue states) you'll find that Democrats actually outnumber the Republicans.
But, with the image of the affluent white conservative who lives in an all-white neighborhood and hates (or at least is uncomfortable around) people of other races in their heads, liberals apply this kind of label even to people it doesn't fit.
When a white man from a lower or middle-class area is on TV talking about the young black man that stole his car, leftists see the white skin and assume "White. Most likely rich. Probably votes Republican. Racist." When they hear reports of a black man beating up a white man, they think "Well, the white man was probably racist and deserved it." In fact, black Democrats have been heard saying on many occasions that they assume all white people they meet are racists unless they prove otherwise. Lord knows what that means, considering that apparently even using someone's first name is now considered racist.
In Mobile, Alabama, a white man named Matthew Owens asked a group of black boys not to play ball directly in front of his house. It was a Saturday night, and he told the kids they were making too much noise, and to please play elsewhere. In return, he was visited by a mob of black adults who beat him with bricks, chairs, pipes and paint cans until he had to be hospitalized. His sister, who witnessed the event, reported that one of the men, while walking away from Owens's broken, bleeding body, shouted over his shoulder "That's justice for Trayvon!"
Unless you're living under a rock, you know who "Trayvon" is. But you might not know he's not the victim of a racist attack. Again, more on that later.
Now, the attack on Owens was brutal, and horrific, and there's no chance such an attack wasn't motivated by race. Consider that all Owens did was ask the kids to move elsewhere; not an unreasonable thing to ask on a Saturday night when someone is bouncing a ball around and yelling directly in front of your home. The next thing this man knows, on his own front porch he is surrounded by an all-black crowd, who beat him within an inch of his life for the crime of asking kids to move. If there's any doubt that the attack was racially motivated, the "justice for Trayvon" remark should clear that up.
In fact, black on white crime is much higher in the USA than white on black crime, but you'd only know that if you bothered to look up the statistics for yourself. If you watch the news, and formed your opinion straight from there, you'd assume that any black man who walks past more than two white people at a time is in danger of being murdered. But real life can show you this isn't true. There's a reason the Trayvon Martin case made national news; it was one of the only known instances of "white" on black fatality where the reason for the killing was not immediately evident. So naturally it was due to racism and is proof of widespread racism still being a "thing" in America today. Nobody reporting on it or reacting to it paused to wonder why we haven't heard about a hundred similar deaths each month, if what they're saying about widespread white racism is true.
What we should also be asking is, why cases like Owens's above are so under-reported. I'd guess that if you walk down the street and ask a random person if they've heard the name "Trayvon Martin", most would say they have, and I'd say most of them would know where from. But ask them the name "Matthew Owens" and they'd probably say "Now him I don't know" or even "Was that the name of the killer? I forget" or probably even "Why, is he another black boy killed by racists?"
That's because he was white, and his assailants were black. The media didn't report it because it could get people asking about how many other vigilante acts were committed in Trayvon's name (at least three thus far, none of which got even a third of the coverage the Martin case got), or even (gasp) independently researching just how many other such incidents happen per year. However, confront a leftist with that story and I know what the response would be. "He was probably a racist. He deserved it." The logic behind that thought process? He's white.
So right there, there's two kinds of racism; one an example of positive assumptions, the other an example of negative. If a large group of black men attack a white man, they're freedom fighters fending off a racist. If a white man is attacked by a large group of black men, he must have deserved it.
Both assumptions are...racist! Assuming only good motives (or at least "pure" if still illegal and violent) of black people is racist because it's absurdly patronizing, or it comes from a place that says "black people can do no wrong." It looks at race first, and decides the right-ness of the actions based solely on that. Any way you slice it, that's racist. For that matter, assuming the white man must be guilty of racial discrimiation himself is racist.
In the case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, racists around the country pounced on this story, assuming two things. 1) that Zimmerman is a white man who killed Martin because Martin was black and 2) that the police were also white and racist, and approved of Zimmerman ridding their neighborhood of one more black kid, so they let him go. And they reacted with anger and threats of violence. As you can see from the example above, they were ready to carry out those threats, too.
Both assumptions made were racist assumptions. First of all, Zimmerman isn't "white", he's of mixed heritage that is primarily latino (he's also part black, which has gone criminally under-reported). He also isn't racist; he was involved in a petition against his local police because they didn't arrest a local cop's son for beating up a black homeless man, and he mentored a young black man for a while and treated him like a son. For that matter, he was not just a member of a neighborhood watch; he was the founder of it, and there had been a series of break-ins in the neighborhood when Zimmerman spotted Martin wandering around his neighborhood and looking at the houses.
When you learn more details of this story, it's impossible to believe that Zimmerman murdered Trayvon in cold blood, or that it was racially motivated. Well, it's impossible if you yourself aren't racist and are actually able to look at the facts objectively and not be blinded with rage. (As an aside, many were incited to anger at Zimmerman thanks to a malicious edit by ABC News of Zimmerman's 911 call, where it sounds like he think Martin is up to no good because "he looks black", and CNN's garbled version of it, where it sounds like he says "fucking coon". In fact, in the un-edited version, we can hear Zimmerman saying "he looks black" in response to the 911 operator asking what color he was. Also "fucking coon" becomes "it's fucking cold" when played without the intentional garbling of the recording.)
There's a lot more I could say about this case, as new revelations that show Zimmerman not to be guilty of murder are coming out all the time, but this has been covered quite extensively by other blogs, and I don't have much new to say about it. However, this all speaks to another form of racism that I alluded to earlier.
That is, black-on-white racism. "Oh, but blacks can't be racist!" I hear you cry. You believe this because you've been raised in a society that is patronizing toward black people. It automatically assumes that racism is only racism if it comes from whites. Blacks can commit the same actions, but they are justified, because they are black.
Remember the hypothetical all-white neighborhood? Remember I said that there could be another reason no black people live there? Well, it could be because the black people in that city look at that area and think "I can't live there, because that's whitey's neighborhood. If I were to live there I'd have sold out. I wouldn't be authentically black anymore."
That's a racist attitude. If being "authentically black" means you must live in slums with other black people and refuse to congregate with whites, you're just as racist as a KKK member. Maybe worse, because you expect that people will be okay with this entirely racist attitude.
Unfortunately, it's an all-too prevelant attitude in today's society. White people walking through black neighborhoods are justifiably afraid they'll be attacked...because it happens all the time. Of course, they'd never admit to it because to do so, they're told, is racist.
On the other hand, black people can attack white people for being white, even tweet about it, and expect that no one will bat an eye for fear of being accused of racism. All while claiming that black people are attacked and killed in great numbers by racist white people. Any person with eyes to see and ears to hear and common sense can tell you that's nonsense.
Face facts; we live in a country where the head of the justice department (the same man who has sued Arizona for enforcing existing immigration laws and sued a Florida fire department for what he saw as "racist" standardized tests; the same man who dropped the case of voter intimidation by Black Panthers; the same man who is responsible for Operation Fast & Furious which has put guns in the hands of drug cartels and killed border patrol agents and hundreds of innocent Mexicans; the same man who says voter ID laws are not necessary and could "disenfranchise" black voters) is on record saying hate crimes do not apply to black people. Got that? In America, a crowd of black attackers beating a white man halfway to death for asking children to move their play is not a hate crime, but a single person, who increasingly appears to have been acting in self-defence, shooting a single black kid is not only a hate crime, but direct proof of widespread racism still prevelant in America today.
If America were truly racist, not only would we have never elected President Obama, but Holder would not hold the job he does. However, because the left is racist, not only has Obama not been impeached, despite his Cordray "recess" appointment when congress was still in session (an impeachable act all by itself), his sudden declaration of amnesty for illegal immigrant children raised in America (which is illegal), and his own involvement in OF&F, but Holder, who has done his best to make America a dangerous place to be white, who has made our borders less secure, directly caused the death of border patrol agents and Mexican citizens while arming drug cartels and has not done anything remotely approaching his job since taking office, is not only still employed but not behind bars, where he belongs*. It is the left's endemic racism ("you can't impeach or suspend either man because they are black") that allows this.
You also have black liberals openly stating their racism. New Black Panther member Minister King Samir Shabazz is on record (and video) as stating "I hate white people! All of them! Every last iota of a cracker, I hate 'em...You want freedom? You're gonna have to kill some crackers! You're gonna have to kill some of their babies!"
Flip this around and imagine a KKK member shouting this stuff through a bullhorn on a crowded sidewalk about black people. Imagine the media circus that would result. He would be in fear for his life (as he should be) and the police would likely arrest him (as they should). That speech contains calls for violence, open hatred of white people, and murder. Murder of babies. What's the response of the liberal media? Same as Matthew Owens; crickets. Oh, and did I mention that Obama shared a public stage with this man, and at no point repudiated him or his incendiary language? Now imagine George W. Bush sharing the stage with a KKK grand wizard. Hoo boy.
Other examples of racism, which would easily be recognized as such if the races were reversed:
Former DC mayor Marion Barry openly stated that black neighborhoods need to kick out Koreans and their "dirty" shops so they can replace them with black businesses.
Actor Samuel L. Jackson, who I've always liked, openly stated that he voted for Obama because he is black. He also accused white people of always voting white, and for the same reason. Um...Sam? If that's true, Obama would never have won, since as I've already said, black Americans make up about 12% of the populace. You can't win just on that vote alone.
Black radio host Tom Joyner apparently agrees with Jackson, calling on blacks to vote for Obama again this year. Why? Because he's black. "Stick together, black people."
Another black radio show host, Thaddeus Matthews, had as his guest GOP congressional candidate Charlotte Bergmann, who is also black. When she would not acknowledge any direct connection with the Tea Party, Matthews lost it on her, calling her all sorts of awful racist names, accused her of being a "token" and then told her he wouldn't even shake her hand because he was afraid "the whiteness might rub off."
And through all of this, black racists like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson want us to believe that black people are under attack. They want us to think that it's the 1950's all over again (Congressional Black Caucus member Andre Carson even said Republicans and Tea Partiers want to see blacks "hanging on a tree"). They want us to believe that peaceful, orderly Tea Parties are in fact mobs of violent racists simply because there are more white people in attendance than black.
And this goes back to that hypothetical all-white neighborhood. When the left sees a predominance of whiteness among people they despise, they decide based on less than even circumstantial evidence that the purpose of this group must have hidden racial motives. However, a group they approve of can be mostly white (and also violent and criminal) yet receive no criticism from the left at all for their lack of racial diversity (witness the Occupy movement or any Bush protest).
Racism is indeed alive and well today, but it doesn't reside in the hearts of wealthy white Republicans. It thrives within the liberal black community and all those who seek to keep those liberal blacks liberal and angry, and hating the white man.
It is black racism toward whites that threatens America most today. Not the other way around.
*Note: Since this writing, Holder has been found in criminal and civil contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with their investigation of OF&F, and could likely be facing criminal conviction.
Friday, July 20, 2012
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