Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rules for Debating Liberals

  1. Liberals don't debate. They attack. This is important to remember. Don't attempt to engage in any debate with a liberal unless you're willing to fight back, because the Liberals' goal isn't to prove you wrong; it's to shut you up. If they can scare you into silence, they will.

  2. Liberals don't refute your points. They sneer and condescend. If scaring you doesn't work, expect them to immediately dismiss your arguments as the ravings of a total loon. "No one with half a brain could possibly believe that!" they'll sneer. Phrases like "Riiight..." or "Oh, come on" will be used frequently. At no point will the Liberal feel the need to actually cite where you're wrong, or what made you wrong. You are wrong simply for disagreeing with them. It's a classic Alinsky tactic; ridicule is a powerful weapon. They hope to make you feel stupid or part of a fringe element because of your views. Failing that, they hope anyone listening to you will feel that way about you.

  3. Liberals are generally the first to resort to personal attacks. Don't even think of debating a Liberal unless you are prepared to hear personal remarks about your intelligence, gender, weight, age, alleged promiscuity, education and, yes, even your sexuality.

  4. Despite supposedly being race-friendly, gay-friendly and feministic, Liberals nearly always accuse their black opponents of being "house slaves", and accuse others of being gay, and attack the womanhood of female conservatives. This goes back to personal attacks, but deserves its own point because Liberals trumpet their tolerance loudly, but always--ALWAYS--attack their opponents with smears against their gender, race and sexuality.

  5. Liberals do not appeal to facts or precedent, despite a constant claim to be the side with the "facts". They appeal to emotion and "fairness". Their claims to be the side that has all the "facts" falls apart the minute you begin debating them, as they always fall back to claims that your position is "cruel", "fascist", "angry", "heartless", "unconscionable" or "unfair". This is because they don't actually have any "facts", and they know it, so sticking purely to facts would force them to admit defeat. Instead, they declare anything they want to think is true to be a "fact".

  6. "Tolerant" Liberals who claim to be open to a wide range of views will attack anyone they feel is too religious (other than Muslims). They will question the rationality, sanity and brain power of any person who concedes anything remotely like a belief in God, or support of any faith-based organization.

  7. Even after a Liberal has failed to prove you wrong on any point, they will always behave as if they have won. That's because to a Liberal, they are right by virtue of being Liberal. If they say racist or sexist things, well, they know they aren't really racist or sexist because they're Liberal, and nothing a Liberal does is racist or sexist, including saying racist and sexist things. By contrast, ANYTHING a Conservative says is racist or sexist, probably both. You lose because you are Conservative.
You know...come to think of it, debating Liberals is a lot like engaging in flame wars with Internet trolls!

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