Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why I am Not a Birther

There's all kinds of controversy over Obama's birth certificate. He says he has one, but a verifiable paper copy has yet to be produced. Hawaiian officials deny that they have one for him on record. There's significant cause to believe that he was born under the name "Barry Soetero", meaning that a birth certificate naming him "Barack Obama" would be fake. Then of course there's the fact that Obama spent a significant amount of his youth in Kenya and Indonesia.

However, despite all that evidence pointing to the idea that he may not be a natural-born US citizen, I am not a birther.

In fact, I think the birther movement is hurting us, much like the 9/11 Truther movement hurt Van Jones and nearly any other public official with ties to that group. It isn't that I don't think there's a viable possibility that Barack Obama was born somewhere other than Hawaii, or US soil in general. I'm just saying it doesn't matter.

I have a couple of questions for my birther friends.

1) If it were proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that Barack Obama was indeed a natural-born US citizen, would it no longer matter that he is over-spending, doing nothing to secure our borders and socializing the auto and banking industries, and of course, health care? Would you no longer care that he is anti-American?

2) Does it matter to you that were he to be impeached for being found a naturalized citizen, his policies and party would remain?

3) Do you really feel any better about President Joe Biden?

And now a thought question: When there are already a host of reasons to fight against Obama's agenda, do you think making an issue of his birthplace makes you look like we are against his policies, or do you think it makes you look like a bunch of racists? Do you think you look as sad and desperate as the Truthers when you cling to clearly faked "evidence" that supports your claim, such as the now-proven fake "birthplace of Barack Obama" sign in Kenya or the supposed Kenyan birth certificate? Do you feel it opens the door for people to ask if we would care so much about his birth certificate if he wasn't black, or was named something more American-sounding?

When we focus on where he was born, it's very easy to be labeled racist, and in this case I have to agree with the Left (GASP!) and say it does often feel like it's motivated by race. I don't at all think that the Tea Party movement was founded on racist ideals, but that's because the Tea Party was founded to try and stop or at least slow down this entire Administration's socialistic goals. The Tea Party is about halting the expansion of government, the raising of taxes, the increasing of government control of the private sector, etc. The birther movement is about getting rid of Obama, any way they can.

Think about this, too. Let's say Obama does get impeached based on his birthplace. How quickly do you think the Dems would leap upon this and claim the documents were fake and rally around Obama in support? After all, impeachment requires a trial by Congress, and we all know there's enough votes on the Left to overturn his eviction from office. And then he would claim racism, again, to guarantee enough Americans vote him in for a second term.

Impeaching Obama won't send a clear message to the Left that America repudiates the actions of this administration. Heck, they chose not to listen to the last clear message we sent them. An impeachment on ANY grounds, and especially this sort of grounds, will cause them to state that they are the majority and the Right just can't stand a black President, to the point where they'd go against the will of the American people and impeach him on false grounds.

This Administration is a Hydra, not a snake. We try to cut off its head and it won't die; it will just grow a new one, and we'll be right back where we started.

But they'll have a much harder time fighting back against a humiliating defeat in 2012. That's the goal we should be trying to attain; uniting Americans against the socialistic, anti-American policies of this Administration. VOTING them out; the entire Administration. Not trying to knock one man off his pedestal because we don't think he was born here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry- deleted the comment- no point in arguing when you aren't soliciting any opinions from this post. Whole "agree to disagree" thing... :)

  3. If you're still on Obama's side after all this time, there's no point in arguing with you anyway. Nothing will change your mind.

    At this point, no centrist could possibly defend Obama. The only way you could have any respect or admiration left for him is if you are to the Left of Noam Chomsky.

  4. My whole point was stop with the picking sides. It is unreasonable to say that Obama has done absolutely no good whatsoever. Yes, he has been a let down, but take off the republi-glasses, and look at lives that have already been saved with healthcare. Also by some calculations, Americans are paying less taxes while Obama has been president, than when George Bush was. (H&R block did some examinations on what the average net tax paid by americans was, and by their numbers, it is lower. Yes, you can debate their math, but it holds water against this argument that taxes are skyrocketing because of Obama.)

    My appendix blew up last year, and if I was an American, I would have paid about $20k to take it out if I had no insurance. I sure can't afford that. At least admit that Obama has helped people in that regard with access to basic healthcare without going bankrupt. I assume someone in your family must have been in a hospital at least once in the last couple years? Think about how much that would cost if you weren't so blessed to be living in Canada. Again, not that healthcare trumps every other issue, but you have to admit that is at least some positive change.

    It would do *everyone* some good if people stopped regurgitating party opinions, and actually think about issues for once. Dems and repubs both! George Bush wasn't hitler, and had some good and bad during his tenure. It may be impossible for you to admit, but Obama has had some good too. http://whattheheckhasobamadonesofar.com/

    This is my last comment (I promise haha), but you should also do some fact checking on some of your points up there. You aren't calling yourself a birther, but you are putting way too much validity on some of those ridiculous conspiracy theories. Obama is an American, there is no mass conspiracy among government officials at all levels to secretly get him in to office.
