Friday, September 11, 2009

Who lied? You lied!

My first reaction to Sen. Joe Wilson (R) yelling "You lie!" during the president's speech on health care is a solid "good for him." Somebody had to have the guts to say it, and to the president's face. It's about time some GOP officials started calling the president's administration on all the BS it's been handing America for the last eight months.

Now, at this point there's been a lot of fist-shaking and hem-hawing of Wilson's behavior, from both sides, which I find both hilarious and sad. It's hilarious because this administration has been more bullying than any US Presidential administration in living memory. Barack Obama has been the most arrogant and divisive president we've ever had, and I have no qualms in saying that. No other president has worked so hard to alienate a large percentage of the country he claims to represent. No other president has spent so much time bad-mouthing, and apologizing on behalf of, the country that elected him to lead it. No other president has encouraged Americans to feel ashamed of who and what they are. No other president has so openly demonized his opposition. And no other president has tried so hard to force upon the American people bills and plans we reject vehemently, because he "knows best."

In the past year we have seen the House Speaker openly lie to the press about her knowledge of what went on at Gitmo, and then accuse private citizens of being "astroturfers" and "carrying swastika's" and "being unamerican" because they dared to organize in protest against the president. Let's not forget this is the same lady who called dissent "the highest form of patriotism" while Bush was in office.

We've seen this administration gang up on a talk show host who dared to suggest that he's against President Obama.

We've seen this administration force an economy-killing "stimulus" bill through Congress, with no time for congresspersons to read it, which so far seems to have done nothing but give money to Obama-supporters like ACORN.

We've seen this administration set up an email address encouraging private citizens to send in "fishy" statements they hear in private conversation, or read in emails they're sent, etc., the most blatant attack on free speech yet seen in America.

And nobody's called them on it because to do so would be "racist."

I've been ashamed at the limpness of the GOP in response to this administration's steamroll over the American people on its way to total socialism. I've watched John McCain and Michael Steele try to get along with our new president by essentially folding whenever Obama tells them to shut up. The GOP, as a party, has fallen far and fast not because their ideals are wrong but because we no longer have leaders and the one person on our side who seems to be fighting back (until last night) is the same person that most of the GOP is trying to distance themselves from at all costs. I refer, of course, to Sarah Palin.

What the Democrats, and by proxy, the mainstream media, did to Sarah Palin was the most shameful smear campaign I've ever seen. I've seen attempts to bring down politicians before, but mostly it was the politicians who were attacked, and for their views, but it seems that with Sarah Palin it was personal. Not only was she an uneducated hick who deserved mockery and derision, but her family was fair game, as well.

But she didn't back down, and I'm grateful that she didn't. And now, finally, another voice in the GOP is speaking up, and loudly. Senator Wilson, I applaud what you did last night, and I don't think you have anything to apologize for. The Left has, for years now, employed the same tactics on a grand scale and I don't think we have anything to win by continuing to make nice with them. We need more men and women like you and Ms. Palin to stand up and say "You're lying, and we're not going to take it anymore."

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