Treat his failures as accomplishments. Hey, Obama got his health care reform passed! What an awesome achievement! Bush didn't do it, and McCain wouldn't have! That makes Obama better! So what if nobody in America outside of the far left and illegal immigrants actually wanted it. Speaking of illegal immigrants, Obama sure showed all those racists in Arizona, right? He sued them and...well, that didn't go anywhere, but he sure showed them! And how about that Solyndra debacle? Would you have even heard of Solyndra if it weren't for Obama? And man, did he rock the Green world when he killed the Keystone pipeline, not to mention all those moritoriums on drilling! If he hadn't accomplished so many great things there, we might actually have single-digit unemployment...I mean, we would have raped the environment further than we already have!
Take credit for things Obama did not do. Obama killed Osama bin Laden! Yes sir, it was Obama, not Bush! Who cares that we learned of bin Laden's location thanks to those "enhanced interrogation techniques" that Obama repeatedly disparaged in public. It doesn't matter that if Obama had his way we never would have learned where bin Laden was; what matters is that when the American military did its job, unimpeded by PC regulations, and obtained this critical information, it was Obama who bravely sat in his office and said "Uh..yeah, sure. Go ahead. Bound to be good publicity." Seal Team 6 and our military can still be routinely disparaged, but Obama is a hero for using them to get bin Laden. Oh, by the way, you know the Bush tax cuts that we hated Bush for implementing? Well, Obama extended them, so now they're the Obama tax cuts, which are great, because they give the American people a break! Isn't he wonderful?
Place blame on others for Obama's faults. Yes, I know, things aren't great right now, but that's not Obama's fault! It's Bush's! He left such a mess that nobody could possibly have cleaned it up in just three years! People are on food stamps because of Bush. Who cares that the food stamp explosion happened after Obama took office and unemployment rose; what matters is that there were people on food stamps while Bush was in office. And if it wasn't Bush who's at fault, it was...Congress! Yes! That obstructionist group Obama routinely finds ways to do an end-run around; they're the reason the economy is in the toilet, NOT the over-spending or the job-killing entitlements and legislation. It's that this obstructionist Congress won't let Obama do MORE. Why, they haven't even passed a budget in over a thousand days and...oh, wait. It's the Senate that passes the budget and that's run But...but...Congress killed the new jobs bill! Who knows how much money that could have raised that we would have squandered on special interest groups, money-pit "green" endeavors or unions...I mean, created jobs with!?
Behave as if any criticism of Obama automatically makes the critic "Pro-Bush". You know what, it doesn't matter what Obama's done wrong because Bush was a horrible president! Any time you point out Obama's miserable record, we know what you're doing. You're trying to praise Bush! That's right, so any time you start talking about how awful Obama's record is, we can simply point out all the ways we hated Bush and your argument immediately evaporates! High spending? Bush spent too. Bad economy? It started under Bush. Wars? BUSH! Who cares that Obama's spending eclipses not only Bush but every president before him, or that the economy was starting on a downward turn at the end of Bush's presidency, but took a complete nose-dive during Obama's term that resulted in the loss of our AAA rating, or that Obama has started TWO wars that Bush had nothing to do with! You can't complain about any of that, because we're gonna keep reminding you how much we hated Bush!
Accuse the critic of racism. Okay, listen, we tried reasoning with you people. We pointed out all of Obama's failures that we arbitrarily decided are actually triumphs. We gave credit to Obama when good things happened IN SPITE of him. We showed how easy it is to place blame for Obama's faults on others. We showed you how criticism of Obama is really praise of Bush. And you still just don't get it, do you? Well, guess what? That makes you...RAAAAAAAAAACIST! Yes, everything you do and say is now racist! You're so racist you say racist things that only we can hear! Calling people by their first name is racist! Pointing your finger at someone during a spirited debate is racist! Talking about "work ethic" is racist! Any reference to food stamps, even though there are more white people on them than black people, is racist! Any reference to the founding fathers is racist! Or "the constitution" or "core American values"; racist, racist, racist! Keep talking, say whatever you want. We're just gonna cut you off by yelling "RAAAAACIST!" And you know what? Because we're saying it, it's automatically true! Hell, we can even say racist things, like how Obama is "clean and articulate", as if that's something rare in a black person, or how he's electable because he's "light-skinned with no negro dialect", or how "a year ago this guy would be getting us coffee" or point out how he's so articulate that we "forgot he was black for an hour" or that we thought a real black president would solve problems with a gun and ghetto talk! That's not racist because only WE get to decide what's racist. And you are definitely RAAAAAAACIST!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
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