However, in their effort to prove that we're a bunch of scumbag racists who can't stand that a black man is president, despite reality showing a marked lack of racism coming from our side, the Left has a few well-worn phrases they use constantly, and insist that these statements "prove" our evil racism, when in fact not only do they not do that, but all these phrases can be turned around and used successfully on Leftist Democrats. The main difference is, when we use those phrases against them, they are grounded in factual reality, not liberal fantasy.
"Your party has a history of racism."
I love this one, because it's so opposite of reality it's almost funny to hear people still clinging to it. The reality is that the Democratic Party was founded on racist ideals; keeping slavery going, keeping the White Man in his proper place as ruler and the Black Man in his proper place as subserviant, etc. The KKK was founded by Democrats in order to frighten and defeat abolitionist Republicans. The Democrats are the ones who thought up the Jim Crow laws. Meanwhile, from Abraham Lincoln's freeing of the slaves to the Republicans fighting hard for the Civil Rights movement, the fact is that from its founding, the Republican Party has been the anti-slavery, anti-segregation, pro-equal rights party in its entirety. The argument Leftists like to use is that the Democrats of today are more like the Republicans of Yesteryear and vice-versa. This convenient little switching-of-histories is thanks to the myth that the "Dixiecrats" (Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act and left the Democratic Party when LBJ signed it into law and formed their own party) all became Republicans after their own party was defeated. They cite that former Dixiecrats Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms are proof enough that the racist elements in their own party went over to the Republicans.
However, the fact is that the Democratic Party doesn't have, and never had, racist "elements". Their whole mission statement was pro-white, pro-segregation. LBJ went against the Party Line when he signed the Civil Rights Act into law. Democrats of the time hated LBJ (for that and also the Viet Nam war, another thing modern Democrats blame Republicans for). The Dixiecrats weren't kicked out of the Democratic Party for being the remaining "racist elements"; they left because they thought the Democrats had strayed too far from their racist roots thanks to LBJ's siding with the Republicans on this issue.

Pictured: A DEMOCRATIC political cartoon
Another thing; the Dixiecrats may have included Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms, but they also included George Wallace, Al Gore, Sr., Robert Byrd and a number of others, all of whom went right back to being Democrats after the folding of their party. This is where the Leftists respond "That's because they changed their minds! They understood racism was a thing of the past and rejoined their party to fulfill the equality dream!" First of all, the Democratic Party as a whole still supported segregation and Jim Crow laws. Second of all, if you can so easily suggest that men like Robert Byrd (a former Grand Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops in the KKK) and George Wallace changed their minds, despite evidence to the contrary, what's to say Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms didn't change theirs? And for that matter, how can anyone suggest that two men could transform the Republican Party into a frothing lynch mob when they never were before?
So, whose party is it with the history of racism? Not the Republicans. Not then and not now.
"You use racist code words to hide your racism."
I used to think there was no such thing as racist "code words" and that true racists don't hide. I don't believe that anymore. Whenever I hear the Left talk about Black America, I hear code-words all over the place; and, unlike what the Tea Party says, when the Left use these words they actually are referring to black people.
Ever hear Leftists talk about "urban" areas? They mean "populated largely if not entirely by black people." "Urban music" is the new way to say "race music." "Urban housing" is the new way of saying "n----r quarters". How about when they refer to "welfare recipients"? Welfare isn't just for African Americans but there are currently more black people on welfare than white people, so "welfare users" is another term for black people the Left likes to use. In fact, the Left loves the poor urban-dwelling black person, because not only do they see this as where African Americans belong, but they also love harvesting votes from this type of person by selling the Republicans as racists who put them where they are. "You're poor and on welfare and living in slums because of Republicans!" they tell the poor urban-dwelling black man. They don't bother to point out that the cities where this problem is the worst are unfailingly Democrat-controlled cities like New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, etc. That's because Democrats don't actually want black people to succeed; they just want them to vote Democrat. They've managed to convince African Americans to keep voting back in the same system that keeps them poor and dependant.
They don't see "welfare recipient" or "urban dweller" as the racist code words they are because they think those are proper terms, but that doesn't make them any less racist code words.
"When you look at Obama, you see his skin color first."
Again, the exact opposite is true. When I looked at Obama the first time, I saw a somewhat handsome man with a nice speaking voice who I thought looked fairly presidential. Then his true nature was exposed, and he became president anyway. Now I see a far-Left liberal who hates what America is and hopes to "fundamentally transform" it into a socialistic nightmare; a man whose failed policies are threatening to destroy America, and a man who the Left will side with no matter what. I did notice, however, that pro-Obama people around me who learned that I opposed him, immediately asked if my opposition was racial.
Leftists, on the other hand, see him as a shield against criticism, as his presence in the Oval Office allows them to use the race card. If they didn't see his skin color before anything else, they never would have campaigned him. After all, besides his skin color, what did he bring to the campaign? Did anyone have any reason to vote for him that wasn't racial, other than to get rid of Republicans? No, voters who voted for Obama did so either out of Black Solidarity, White Guilt or Hatred of Republicans. Those where the only reasons to vote for him. Racism didn't keep Obama down; racism helped raise him up.
Obama got elected because the Left saw his skin color first.
"You don't care about the plight of the Black Community."
This is a baseless accusation that stems from the totally false belief that Republicans created the plight of the Black Community. Not only didn't they, but they care far more about them, and every other American. See, Republicans see black people as just more Americans, no different in any meaningful way than white Americans. Leftists see black Americans as victims, which to them means "people we can exploit". They talk a great game about the plight of African Americans and don't seem to notice the incongruity between their words and their actions. Or at least, they hope you don't notice it. I've already mentioned that the cities where the problem for black Americans is at its worst are all Democrat-controlled cities, and have been for decades. Could that be because...the Left doesn't really care about the plight of African Americans?
Republicans say "Yes, there is a plight, and the way to solve it is for black men and women to get a good education, to get good jobs and to provide for themselves the way all other Americans do." But to a Leftist that's telling them to act like they're white. In other words, telling a black person that it is possible for them to succeed on their own without help from white people is...racist. Huh?
Black Americans, to the Left, are to be pitied, mollified, infantilized and patronized. In other words, they don't see black people as equals, and that in itself has created the plight of the Black Community.
"There are so few blacks among you ( conservative Republicans)."
Actually, this is partly true and partly false. But in neither case is it because we're racist.
Here's a fact: the Left controls a vast majority of the public narrative in this country. They control CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the NPR, the New York Times, the LA Times, the Washington Post, etc. and all of America's more prestigious colleges and universities. And each one is absolutely dedicated to broadcasting this message to African Americans: "The Republicans hate you. They may like it if you start talking like them, but they'll never see you as equals." Of course, as I've said, this is far more true of Democrats than Republicans, but imagine for a moment that all you ever heard about a certain political group when you turn on the news, or go to school, is that they hate you and want to keep you down. Do you think you'd want to go check it out? After all, repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. As I'll say more about below, the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus have sold out to the Democrats, as have professional race-baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and they help to push this message.
The other fact is (and this is what makes the claim partly false), most black people are themselves conservative. Poll after poll has shown that the average African American is pro-Christianity, pro-family, pro-life, against the government having more power and anti-gun control. Whereas the Left is anti-Christianity, says there's no such thing as a traditional family, are pro-choice, feel the government's powers should be expanded and they invented gun control. So why do black Americans vote for them in overwhelming numbers? Is it because the Republicans are horribly racist? Not at all. Is it because they have all been convinced that that is the case? Absolutely.
I am not saying that black Americans are stupid or easily duped. I'm saying that every human being likes to be told what they want to hear, and if the Democrats do one thing well it's tell people what they want to hear. And you can't sell yourself as the solution to all of their problems without saying they have a problem and pointing to a cause. Like I said, liberals control the narrative in America, and he who controls the narrative controls the masses. Plenty of white Americans have also bought the "Republicans are racist" lie. I mean, heck, I've even heard conservative Republicans talk about "purging the racist elements from our party".
Democrats point out how few black Republicans there are as proof that we don't like them. In reality it's proof of how many African Americans they warn away from us, constantly calling us racists until enough people believe it. Unfortunately they don't seem to understand that the black people among us are here because they realize we really are on their side. The blacks among them mostly don't stand for what the Left stands for.
In other words, in reality there are very few blacks who truly side with the Left.
(On a side note, just how many prominent Democrats are black? At present, the answer is one, and as we're about to see, that's meaningless.)
"______(Insert black Republican here) is nothing but your House N----r."
I hate this term, and I detest that it's still being used today, but nonetheless, it is, and it says more about the person who uses that term than those they accuse. Conservative brains aren't even wired to think in terms of "field n----rs" and "house n----rs". It's just not in our make-up. It's the Left who keeps injecting those terms into the discourse.
See, there is nothing a racist liberal black person hates more than what they see as an "Uncle Tom". As they see it, any black Republican is trying to act like a white man in hopes he'll be invited to enjoy...I dunno, the perks of being called an Uncle Tom. They see this metaphorically as coming out of the fields to live in the white man's house--still a slave, but one with all the comforts of the white man. Any prominent black Republican (Condoleeza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Allen West, etc.) has been referred to as an Uncle Tom, or the horrible smear of "House N----r". The argument is, they try to ingraciate themselves into our "inner circle" and although we will never see them as equals, we'll let them come to our Party if they say what we tell them to say. "You only like (fill in name of black republican) because he says what you want to hear," say black racist Democrats.
But what does that say about black groups that do nothing but repeat what the Left says? Are not establishment Democrats just as white as establishment Republicans? What are the NAACP if not a group of Uncle Toms for the Left? Or what about the Congressional Black Caucus? I admit these weren't founded as Leftist groups, but they've certainly become that. Name a position either group has taken in recent years that isn't also the Leftist position. Name a prominent African American they've supported who wasn't a Democrat (and usually a far-Left Democrat). If the NAACP ever starts living up to its name and actually starts advancing people of color, regardless of Political affiliation, don't tell me the Democrats won't throw them under the bus. How do I know that? Just look at how the Left treats any black man or woman who dares to call themselves conservative, or Republican. Anybody see the video where a group of people was asked their opinion of Clarence Thomas? These weren't KKK members. No. They were Leftist Democrats. They certainly acted like Klansmen. All that "racism" you're supposed to see at a Tea Party rally? It was on full display at a Left-Wing protest.
You can watch that video here, assuming you can stomach it.
So it's not the Right that only loves African Americans who say what we want them to say. Sure, we love it when African Americans side with us. We love it when anyone sides with us. Who doesn't? But we don't have "house n----rs". We don't use that term, and we don't believe in segregation. It saddens us when people would rather just believe what they're told and continue to support those who don't support them, but we don't hate them for it.
It's the Left who makes race an issue. It's the Left who only support African Americans who parrot their talking points. It's the Left who are guilty of having "House N----rs". Oh, and don't try and sell President Obama to me as proof that I'm wrong. Obama is the ultimate "House N----r". Think the Left would love him if he suddenly became a conservative? Hardly. As proof, look no further than the fact that the only thing they've called him out on is not being Left enough. Obama is the black face they put on their party in order to garner the votes of the Black Community; their shield to deflect criticism (or accusations of racism). In other words; the very thing Bill Maher accused Herman Cain of being.
So, in conclusion, let me say, as I've said so often in life, that racism isn't defined by politics, but anyone who considers the color of one's skin before what they say or do is a racist. And which party does that far more often?
I encourage Republicans and conservatives of all colors to rise up and expose the fact that every accusation of racism the Left has lobbed at us is in reality far more descriptive of them.